See what lies ahead

There are many moments in life where we seek guidance from something outside of ourselves. Some people rely on a good friend, a good therapist, or they rely on a higher power. There are many times where the path ahead isn't clear, maybe due to lack of choices or an overabundance of choices. And you just want to know what to do. That's where tarot comes in. A deck of 78 cards, depicting common human experiences that help you unlock your subconscious, engage your intuition and help you make heads or tails of what is going on around you. You just have to be willing to listen to what it is saying.

Reader: Lizzie

Reader: Lizzie

Deck: Hermetic Tarot

Deck: Hermetic Tarot

The first card of the major arcana, number zero himself, is the Fool. The Fool is the beginning of everything. He is the hero of every story. And like the hero of most stories, he doesn't know what's coming. He just walked out his door one day and there he was, smack dab at the beginning of an adventure. He is optimistic, carefree, and a really beautiful energy. When I see him pop up in my deck, he makes me want to go outside and see what trouble I can get myself into.


Across different tarot decks, the Fool is represented differently, but the message is generally the same. For instance, I read from the Hermetic Tarot. It's a black and white deck created by Godfrey Dowson in the '80's and it is based upon the esoteric workings of the secret order of the Golden Dawn. It's dark and twisty and complex and cuts like a knife. I love it because sometimes you need that friend in your life that slaps you across the face and tells you to get a hold of yourself. It also is beautiful and complex and has amazing imagery that alludes to astrology and Qabbalah. I've been reading from it for months and I can honestly say I still don't know all of its secrets. The other readers of ATL Craft read from vastly different decks and I asked them to write a little about their decks, in order to showcase the differences and similarities.

Reader: Elyse

Reader: Elyse

Decker: Robin Wood Deck

Decker: Robin Wood Deck

"I bought the Robin Wood Tarot earlier this year. When I walked into Phoenix and Dragon it was the first deck that my eyes fell on, but I of course had to look at every other deck in the store just to make sure that it was the right one. It was a done deal when I pulled out the sample cards and saw the back of the deck. I love the colors, the black white and green bring such a bright earthy feeling to the deck. It seems to also literally attract dirt like nobody’s business.  I definitely feel that there are some serious berries and Woodland creatures guarding, playing, and participating with my deck.  When I first started reading Atl Craft I was an  apprentice, so my intention for getting this deck was to have a deck that I could read more easily and intuitively from. The Robin Wood Tarot is perfect for just that. The colors are bright and evocative, and the paintings themselves are incredibly vivid. They bring life to each card, helping to tell a story.  The fool in particular is a true delight.  Dancing merrily, playing his piccolo on some lush grass, mountains in the background, a happy little dog by his side. I love the use of the rainbow in the Fool, signifying the start of the new journey that he is about to begin. Each of the four elements are represented here in their own way. They hint at the great journey and mystery at that lies ahead. The fool, unaware,  is still filled with joy. It is this attitude that I believe needs to be brought to new situations and journeys. Too much worrying about the future or trying to control the situation brings us to depression, ingratitude, and lack of presence. The fool reminds us to be carefree, that we are not necessarily always in control of the situation, but that we should enjoy it and our lives."

Reader: Karen

Reader: Karen

Deck: The Mythic Tarot

Deck: The Mythic Tarot

"My favorite deck is The Mythic Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene.  It was the first deck I’ve ever owned, and I have kept coming back to it for the last 35 years. It’s based on the mythology of ancient Greece, and all gods of the Greek pantheon are in it. I find it makes it much easier to explain some of the more complex meanings of the cards, like having The Fool represented by Dionysus who is the god of wine, revels and madness, and is a great stand-in for the elemental, instinctual nature of The Fool. The Fool isn’t weighed down by rules or knowledge or habits or culture. He is a blank slate, relying on instinct and intuition to get him where he is going.

They recently re-did the artwork on the cards, and they are now marketing it as The New Mythic Tarot. I really recommend it for anyone who loves mythology, anyone who wants a more psychology-based reading, or anyone who want to dive into a deeper understanding of themselves and how they influence all the things that are present in their lives."



Deck: Pamela Coleman Smith-Waite Tarot

Deck: Pamela Coleman Smith-Waite Tarot

"I love that my shop deck is soft and merciful when a lot of the time Tarot is not. Tarot has a way of bubbling up truths we may or may not be ready for. I use the Pamela Coleman Smith-Waite deck to read in the shop to ease new clients into the space of truth that tarot brings. This deck uses the traditional imagery of Rider-Waite but with kind sepia tones. I love the Fool card in this deck. It is traditional imagery of a dude possibly about to walk off a cliff with his familiar at his heels. I see the fool as a person who literally gives no fucks and is ready to take risks without thinking too much about it. The Fool can remind you to lighten up and make that leap of faith. And if you love this deck it is available at ATL CRAFT."

The Fool is just the beginning of the journey and there are many other cards to think about and explore. If you want to take your first step on your tarot journey, come by ATL Craft this evening and learn about The Fool's Journey with Karen. We'd love to see you.